블로그 카테고리
Attention Economy (2)Marketing+ 2007. 7. 20. 16:16
Attention Economy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_economy Relationship with advertising "Attention economics" today is primarily concerned with the problem of getting consumers to consume advertising. Traditional media advertisers followed a model that suggested consumers went through a linear process they called AIDA - Attention, Interest, Desire and Action(Advance theory: AISAS). Atten..
Attention Economy (1)Marketing+ 2007. 7. 20. 16:03
Attention Economy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_economy Attention economics is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity, and applies economic theory to solve various information management problems. History Herbert Simon was perhaps the first person to articulate the concept of attention economics when he wrote: "...in an informatio..
강아지와 고양이의 대면식떠들어볼만한 얘기/소소한 이야기 2007. 7. 20. 00:18
Dog and Cat, originally uploaded by RonanPark. 모처럼만에 두 동생(?)들이 한자리에 모였다. 그것도 밖에 비가 오는 관계로 조금은 습한 기분을 덜게 하려해주기 위해서 그렇게 한것. 복실이는 어머니의 설거지 소리를 들으며 잠을 청하려 하고, 똘이(고양이)는 복실이를 지켜주려고 하나보다(똘이가 수컷이거든요, 복실이는 암컷이구요) 어찌나 보기 좋은지 이 모습을 놓칠 수 없어 담아봤다. "야! 둘이 너무 사이 좋은거 아냐?"