FTC는 Google의 DoubleClick의 인수를 막을 것인가?떠들어볼만한 얘기/Apple & Mac Story 2007. 7. 18. 15:30
Will The FTC Block Google’s Acquisition Of DoubleClick?Techcrunch에서 흥미로운 이야기 거리가 터져나왔다. "FTC는 Google의 DoubleClick의 인수를 막을 것인가?"라는 제목의 글이다. Scott Cleland, an analyst at the Washington, D.C. based telecom research group Prescursor가 발간한 35페이지 분량의 보고서에 미국 연방 공정거래 위원회가 Google에 태클을 건 이야기다. 원본은 아래와 같다. “Googleopoly: the Google-DoubleClick Anti-Competitive Case”. The paper argues that the US Federal Tra..
Panama Not Enough To Battle Google: Yahoo Acquires RightMedia웹과 IT 서비스 2007. 5. 1. 11:03
Panama Not Enough To Battle Google: Yahoo Acquires RightMedia Yahoo announced today that it will acquire the 80% of advertising network RightMedia that it doesn’t already own for $680 million in cash and Yahoo stock. Yahoo previously bought 20% of the company in a $45 million Series B round of funding announced in October 2006. The company has raised over $50 million to date. This move counters ..